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Undergraduate Research Internships in Seismology Program

As an URISE intern, you will spend 8 to 10 weeks working on a seismological research project with researchers at an URISE member intuition. Research projects may involve the deployment of seismic instruments in the field (within the US or internationally), and/or analyses of seismic data in a lab setting with the ultimate goal of producing results to be presented at a national scientific meeting. Each project will provide you with ample opportunities to:

  • conduct research with state of the art geophysical data and leading researchers at URISE institutions
  • develop an understanding of scientific inquiry, including designing and conducting scientific investigations, defending scientific arguments, and preparing publications
  • gather, manage, and convey information, using various skills, strategies, resources, and
  • learn, use, and evaluate technologies for the collection and study of geophysical data

Your summer research project will culminate with the opportunity to experience the exciting atmosphere of a professional meeting, while presenting your results. In the past, most interns and their hosts have chosen to present at the Fall American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting held in San Francisco in early December.

Contact Email(s)
Sponsoring Institution
EarthScope Consortium
Anticipated Deadline?
Research Area
Natural Sciences
Science & Technology
10 weeks
Citizenship Requirement
US Citizen, National, or Permanent Resident required